Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Poet

Well, after a long indolence of my right brain, I enforced it to jot down something good.
I wrote a poem but the feeling that struck me in the process was very maudlin and upsetting.
Two divergent forces i.e. egocentric poet and sympathetic heart caused conflict in my mind.
Poet got cruelled with his poem character to make it very emotive and lachrymose. Heart wanted a little bit clemency on that character.
But, pen was moving with its marauding tempo and character of poem was getting victimized incessantly.
But, poet was not that much cold-blooded and eventually felt some water drops in his eyes.
Now, my mind is crammed with questions & quandary.
Let me explicate it with some if-then assumptions.
1) Albeit I know character of my poem is just an imagination then why I wept?
If I was weeping for my imaginary limerick character then God must be howling with real human agony.

2) Ok, I accept, I am little bit mawkish person & we know God doesn’t sob at all.
Does it mean that we are just an imagination of Almighty and we don’t have any real existence at all, or God is nothing just a stone and stoicism is his natural disposition?

3) No, I know this world exists, we are not just an imagination, people live their life in veracity. Then, is it possible that character of my poem is also breathing somewhere in his world?

Answers and suggestions will be welcomed whole-heartedly.
Really I am feeling very confused………………………………


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